Locking & Security Guide


Locking up a vehicle securely is crucial to prevent theft. Below are key measures to secure your vehicle and deter theft.

Choose a Secure Location

Choose a brightly lit, public location with a designated bike rack whenever possible. Opt for high-traffic and easily visible areas. It's best to refrain from leaving your vehicle locked outside overnight or for extended periods. It's crucial to lock your vehicle whether it's parked in a home or work garage. These are common targets for vehicle theft, so taking this precaution is highly advisable.

Common places where bicycles are often stolen include

  • Workplaces: Bike thefts can occur at workplaces, particularly if there are inadequate bike parking facilities or if bikes are left unlocked.

  • City Streets: Especially in urban areas with high foot traffic, bicycles left unattended on city streets are at risk of theft.

  • Public Bike Racks: While convenient for parking, public bike racks can also be targeted by thieves, especially if they are not well-monitored or located in secluded areas.

  • Transit Stations: Bike thefts can occur at transit stations where commuters leave their bicycles parked while using public transportation.

  • Commercial Areas: Shopping centers, malls, and business districts can be targets for bike theft, especially if there are inadequate bike racks or security measures.

  • School Campuses: With many students using bicycles for transportation, school campuses can be hotspots for bike thefts, particularly if bikes are not secured properly.

  • Residential Areas: Even in residential neighborhoods, bicycles left in driveways, yards, or unlocked garages can be vulnerable to theft.

  • Parks and Trails: Bicycles left unattended in parks or along trails, especially in secluded areas, can attract thieves looking for easy targets.

Use a Quality Lock

In addition to supplying all our Ridepanda subscribers with durable KRYPTONITE U-Locks and chain locks tailored for larger models, we recommend adding another security layer such as a cable lock to deter thefts of wheels and other easily removable components from your vehicles. If your bike has quick-release components like a seat or front wheel, use a secondary lock or cable lock to secure them to the frame or the main lock. * For a thorough guide on accessories, including information about specific locks for in stock vehicles and other essential items, please refer to our comprehensive accessory resource.

Lock the Frame and Wheel

Pass the lock through the frame of the bike and the front wheel. If using a U-lock, position it around the frame and inside the front wheel. This makes it difficult for thieves to remove the wheel or steal the entire bike. If the front wheel cannot be locked, please ensure to lock the frame instead.

Lock to a Fixed Object

Attach your bike to a sturdy and immovable object, such as a bike rack, pole, or secure railing. Ensure that the object is not easily removable or can be cut through.

Double Check Before Leaving

Before walking away, double-check that your bike is securely locked and all valuable components are protected. Test the lock to ensure it is properly engaged.


If your vehicle is stolen, your Ridepanda subscription plan includes a $500 theft deductible, which will be charged to your card on file. This deductible protects our customers from being liable for the full cost of the stolen vehicle. If your vehicle is stolen, you will need to provide a police report as proof, an image of the broken lock, and a description of how and where the vehicle was locked. See more details in our PandaCare Guide